Youtube How do you find the most popular music from other countries?
The question was on my mind for a while. As a citizen of the United States, I have been deeply involved in pop culture. Slippers of Dua Lipa's as well as Kanye west's big wife are just some of the examples. I love pop culture, and all the actors. I think I would be an excellent host on one of these Gossip & Hollywood gossip shows. In these shows, hosts divulge the private lives of the most famous Hollywood stars. They then switch to less well-known hosts and conclude with blasts from their pasts, or even glimpses that don't appear for a while. I would share all these information and gossip with love, with passion while most current hosts just smack some of this information and do not connect..
Therefore, I've been trying to add songs from other countries into my list of music to listen to. For the start I'm beginning to figure out what songs are popular in other countries. I began with a handful of European monoliths, like Germany, UK France Sweden Spain Portugal etc. After hours of Youtube I believed I was a pro and could share any info I wanted.. However, it was not as easy as I thought. The only thing you can see are the top and most current music in their country, at the very least. I searched on other websites to find the top 20 most watched Youtube videos from their countries. Some did. But it was mostly outdated. No one wants to write about the top 20, each week. This is something that should be on television, isn't it? Hit-parades and stuff like that.
So I continued looking.. After literally months of no to very little successes, but not being able to find the most current and accurate source of hot trending songs from different countries, I was ready to abandon the search. My best solution was so far to utilize a free-proxy type plugin within Firefox (usually FF has better plugins and has more affection from developers, I guess) which would connect me to the Internet through someone else who was from a different country which would allow me to browse Youtube as if in Spain or Germany. It was difficult to be sure of these connections, and they were slow. However, this was an option. The limited number of countries available and the annoying need to seek out good sources were really getting my attention.. So I came across this amazing little Youtube to mp3 converter site that surprised me by its features that aren't obvious.
It was the Top 20 Youtube Videos Link. According to the promise, upon demand , it would download around two dozen popular music videos on Youtube and display the USA chart first.. Then , I switched the language of the interface, chose German and then went to the top 20 most watched videos. Surprised to my surprise, Top 20 German music videos that are trending were loaded.. No matter what it was, the quality of the music was fantastic. It's very simple, extremely fast and minimal effort. No plugins or proxies, just navigate and change languages and your most popular tracks from Korea, Syria, Hungary, Romania, Portugal and even Czech Republic are there for enjoyment.
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